We are a vibrant, inter-generational faith community, inspired by thought and spirit and grounded in love.
Our mission is to honor differences and to foster peace, justice, and sustainability in ourselves and in our world.
Minister: Rev. Amy McCormick
Email: mccormickar11@gmail.com
Phone: 207-930-0007
Office Administrator: Cayla Miller
Email: office.uubelfast@gmail.com
Phone: 207-338-4482
37 Miller Street, Belfast, Maine
Sunday Services at 10 am
Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast
Congratulations to winner Martha LaFage of Belfast!
​January 12, 2025, "Satellites and Stars"
Rev. Andrea Greenwood, Worship Leader
Ivy Lobato, Worship Associate
For this Sunday between Epiphany and the Inauguration, I am thinking about the light of the heavens and how we might be led into something new, and unexpected. How do we explore the outer frontiers and find our own freedoms while also maintaining the connections that sustain us?
The Rev. Andrea Greenwood is a retired UU minister who first served in Atlanta, GA and then was at the First Parish of Watertown (MA) in a variety of capacities between 1992 and 2019. She loves children's literature and part of her ministry involved supporting and advocating for families that included children with special needs. She and her husband, the Rev. Mark Harris, are the proud parents of four sons and one book!
Current Wellness Policy: Masks Recommended
in the building at all times, unless eating or drinking briefly, regardless of vaccine status. Thank you! We have several styles of masks available at the entrance. Air purifiers are run throughout the building during and after activities.
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